Workshop with museum visit: On Expedition! - Malou Osendarp & Birgitta van Langeveld
Workshop with museum visit: On Expedition! - Malou Osendarp & Birgitta van Langeveld

Workshop with museum visit: On Expedition! 7+

Muzee Scheveningen
€ 7,50 p.p.

Date Time

Come to Muzee and learn everything about the beach and the sea!

During the Enchantment there is a special workshop program in Muzee. Children become real researchers and are offered a number of short workshops.


Learn to identify shells, recognize beach birds and investigate sea animals.

Do research and make an artwork from your research result to take home.

Next time you are at the beach you will be the expert! 

Complete schedule

Kinderen kunnen zelfstandig meedoen met deze workshop, alleen voor het deelnemende kind moet een kaartje gekocht worden. Ouders of begeleiders kunnen de kinderen na afloop weer ophalen.