About the festival
Organization festival 2024
... the festival is organized by:
- core team: Fleur van Rijn, Suzanne Prosman (program & allround) en Miriam Duiker (director)
- Ellen Geertse (Culturele Spelen en inclusion)
- Sanne Bakker en Fien de Leeuw (marketing and communicatie)
- Malou Visser (social media)
- Gosling Cools (website Betovering)
- Eindeloos (graphic design)
... supervised by Stichting de Betovering:
- Anouk Kamps (chairwoman)
- Michiel Hendrix (treasurer)
- Latifa Dardou
- Maurice Haak
- Fouzia Outmany
- Anja Overhoff
...made possible with financial support from:
- Gemeente Den Haag
- Fonds Podiumkunsten
- Fonds 1818
- all our volunteers
- our colleagues from the venues, museums, other partcipating locations, all the companies and (workshop) teachers
- Haag Wonen
- Staedion
- anyone who helps in any way to make the festival a success!