About the festival
Office address:
Stichting de Betovering
Van Limburg Stirumstraat 41
2515 PA The Hague
T | +31 (0)70 3642202 | (not for bookings!) | ||
E | info@debetovering.nl | (not for bookings!) | ||
W | www.debetovering.nl |
Bookings are not made through the office, but through the partaking locations. For each activity, the programme states where to book your ticket.
Route to the office by public transport: Hollands Spoor Train Station. Take the main exit. Walk away from the station, along the Stationsweg. The second street to your left is the Van Limburg Stirumstraat.
There is paid street parking in the Van Limburg Stirumstraat.
Email addresses:
- Programme suggestions: applications@debetovering.nl
- Publicity: publiciteit@debetovering.nl
- Delegates: delegates@debetovering.nl
- International companies: applications@debetovering.nl
- Volunteers: vrijwilligers@debetovering.nl
- AVG / privacy: gegevensbescherming@debetovering.nl
Contact team 2024
- Miriam Duiker (directeur) - miriam@debetovering.nl
Kernteam: - Fleur van Rijn - fleur@debetovering.nl
- Suzanne Prosman - suzanne@debetovering.nl
- Ellen Geertse - ellen@debetovering.nl
- Pers & media: fien@debetovering.nl en sanne@ensanne.nl
And also
Eindeloos Vivienne van Leeuwen (graphic design), Gosling Cools (website De Betovering).