Workshop: TrashUre Hunt adventure - TrashUre Hunt
Workshop: TrashUre Hunt adventure - TrashUre Hunt
Workshop met museumbezoek K.O.M.

Workshop: TrashUre Hunt adventure 4+

Museon i.s.m. TrashUre Hunt
€ 5,00 p.p.

Date Time

Join the treasure hunt!! Everyone who participates is a real pirate, looking for treashures that don't belong in nature. Discover the top 10 litter during the tour. After that you will get creative and you will reuse the wastee. You make your own musical instrument. Your instrument will be hung on a special wall and will be exhibited in the Museon. How cool is that! Are you in?!

Complete schedule

Tip: trek kleding aan die avontuur- en weerproof is.
Alert: er kan 1 begeleider per gezin of kind mee om het kind / de kinderen te helpen.
Alleen kinderen betalen, ouders mogen gratis het museum in, afhankelijk van de covid-19 regels mogen ouders kijken of het museum bekijken.