Workshop music: Expedition Music - Harp -
Workshop music: Expedition Music - Harp - Christopher Dominic
Workshop music

Workshop music: Expedition Music - Harp 8+

€ 7,00 p.p.

Date Time

Do you know the sound of cajon or did you always wanted to play the guitar? Now you can do it! Discover not only the djembe, guitar or your own voice… cajon, violin, harp and flute are waiting to be played by you. The workshops start with a short introduction and then it is your turn. You will be amazed what you can learn in a short period of time.

(The workshops will be given in Dutch)

Complete schedule

Kinderen kunnen zelfstandig meedoen met deze workshop, alleen voor het deelnemende kind moet een kaartje gekocht worden. Ouders of begeleiders kunnen de kinderen na afloop weer ophalen.