Katton - Joep van Aert
Katton - Joep van Aert

Katton 3+

Bram van Beusekom
€ 8,50 p.p.

Theater Merlijn (Theaterschool Rabarber)

Date Time
Tue 29 Oct 11:00 - 11:45h
Sold out
Tue 29 Oct 13:30 - 14:15h
Sold out
Wed 30 Oct 11:00 - 11:45h
Sold out
Wed 30 Oct 13:30 - 14:15h
Sold out

Ton the cat goes outside to play for the first time. He plays tag with a cheerful butterfly, but suddenly she disappears and Ton gets lost. He quickly goes looking and discovers all kinds of special houses. Along the way he makes new friends and together they experience great adventures. Yet he still longs for his own nice basket.

Help Ton the cat with his search and go on an adventure! Cardboard comes to life in a surprising performance full of movement, especially for everyone from 3 to 8 years old. With minimal resources and maximum curiosity, a new world magically arises.

In this surprising world full of cardboard animals, Bram playfully brings empty boxes, toilet rolls and even old newspapers to life. Come and see how a simple piece of cardboard turns into a wonderful adventure!

Complete schedule

Theater Merlijn (Theaterschool Rabarber)

Bilderdijkstraat 35, Den Haag
Date Time
Tue 29 Oct 11:00 - 11:45h
Sold out
Tue 29 Oct 13:30 - 14:15h
Sold out
Wed 30 Oct 11:00 - 11:45h
Sold out
Wed 30 Oct 13:30 - 14:15h
Sold out
Only PIN payment is possible at this location.
This location is wheelchair friendly.
Deze locatie is rolstoeltoegankelijk en beschikt over een lift en een aangepast toilet.
Bezoek aan een voorstelling is onder begeleiding: kinderen én hun ouders of begeleiders kopen kaartjes.
Reservation information

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